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Independence Day Special

75th Independence day special: 75 healthy diabetic recipes for breakfast

As India heads towards the 75th year of independence, we recount several stories of bravery, courage, sacrifice and martyrdom of our freedom fighters. Post-independence the growth of India in various avenues like small and large scale manufacturing, infrastructure, agriculture, transportation, telecommunication, etc remains progressive. The spurt of urbanization has brought with itself several advantages like […]

75th Independence day special: 75 healthy diabetic recipes for breakfast Read More »

World breastfeeding week: nutrition care for breastfeeding mothers struggling with covid-19 infection

Women with pregnancy have been highly vulnerable throughout the entire covid-19 pandemic across the world, with major apprehensions observed during the breastfeeding phase. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has clearly stated that a woman should continue breastfeeding even if she is a suspected or a confirmed case of covid-19, efforts are still needed to

World breastfeeding week: nutrition care for breastfeeding mothers struggling with covid-19 infection Read More »

National protein week 2021: 50 simple, easy and healthy protein complimenting recipes

If we were to compare the human body to a vehicle then the role of protein would be comparable to that of fuel. Enough fuel as well as good quality fuel, both are required for the vehicles journey and same is the case with quantity as well as the quality of proteins. Proteins play an

National protein week 2021: 50 simple, easy and healthy protein complimenting recipes Read More »

10 simple, easy and healthy food options for covid-19 positive individuals

India is currently witnessing a huge surge in covid-19 cases with the highest number of positive cases recorded in this week (second week of April 2021) since the pandemic began. While experts are struggling to blame this to the new covid strains or laxity in covid appropriate behavior by citizens; fact remains that we are

10 simple, easy and healthy food options for covid-19 positive individuals Read More »

World water day: all you need to know about water requirements at different life stages

Each year 22nd March is celebrated as World Water Day. Every year United Nations observes World Water day to emphasize the importance of saving water, providing hygienic water, and measures to limit its wastage. This year the theme is valuing water. In order to highlight this theme, we would like to focus on water requirements

World water day: all you need to know about water requirements at different life stages Read More »

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