
August 2021

Benefits Of Butter

Makhanchor special: white butter, yellow butter, peanut butter or clarified butter – which butter is kidney/ heart friendly?

White butter, also known as makhan; holds a special significance during festival of Janmashtami. Janmashtami marks the birth of lord krishna. He was lovingly known as makhanchor (one who steals makhan) due to his irresistible love towards makhan and numerous stories of him and his friends stealing makhan from their neighbourhood. It is completely due …

Makhanchor special: white butter, yellow butter, peanut butter or clarified butter – which butter is kidney/ heart friendly? Read More »

10 delicious, dialysis friendly Indian sweets for Rakshabandhan

Before discussing dialysis friendly Indian sweets, it is important to understand what is dialysis? Dialysis is a life saving treatment for patients with end stage kidney disease. It is a procedure that involves cleansing of blood with help of an artificial filter called a dialyzer. This dialyzer does the job of filtration which is otherwise …

10 delicious, dialysis friendly Indian sweets for Rakshabandhan Read More »

Independence Day Special

75th Independence day special: 75 healthy diabetic recipes for breakfast

As India heads towards the 75th year of independence, we recount several stories of bravery, courage, sacrifice and martyrdom of our freedom fighters. Post-independence the growth of India in various avenues like small and large scale manufacturing, infrastructure, agriculture, transportation, telecommunication, etc remains progressive. The spurt of urbanization has brought with itself several advantages like …

75th Independence day special: 75 healthy diabetic recipes for breakfast Read More »

World breastfeeding week: nutrition care for breastfeeding mothers struggling with covid-19 infection

Women with pregnancy have been highly vulnerable throughout the entire covid-19 pandemic across the world, with major apprehensions observed during the breastfeeding phase. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has clearly stated that a woman should continue breastfeeding even if she is a suspected or a confirmed case of covid-19, efforts are still needed to …

World breastfeeding week: nutrition care for breastfeeding mothers struggling with covid-19 infection Read More »