
International Women’s Day 2022: Health tips for Women to Break the Bias

International Women’s Day is a global celebration of womanhood which is focused on celebrating women’s achievements worldwide. it also aims at striving to attain an equal importance for women in the society. Each year this day is celebrated using a theme and the theme for this year is Break the Bias. We have taken this […]

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Food Options For Fitness Enthusiasts

Impress your valentine with our healthy and delicious food options for fitness enthusiasts

Fitness enthusiasts are the ones who love to keep themselves fit with regular exercise and a healthy diet routine. They like to be mindful about what food options are placed on the menu and how nutrient rich they are. Well, this should be applauded as it is high time we acknowledge the need for ditching

Impress your valentine with our healthy and delicious food options for fitness enthusiasts Read More »

Healthy Menus For Kidney Transplant

Republic day special: 10 regional, healthy menus for individuals with kidney transplant and covid-19 infection

As India is witnessing the third wave of covid-19 pandemic which has been spreading incessantly, individuals with kidney transplant too have been dragged into the flow. As these patients have compromised immunity levels due to their immunity suppressing medications, such rapidly spreading infections may need medical and nutritional attention. These patients are usually on a

Republic day special: 10 regional, healthy menus for individuals with kidney transplant and covid-19 infection Read More »

World Health Day

World Health Day 2021–7 healthy habits to build a fairer world for mankind

7th April is celebrated each year by the World Health Organization as World Health Day. The aim of this day is to create awareness on a specific topic. This year the theme is ‘Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone’. To throw light on building healthy habits, we have an eminent Nutritionist who is also one

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Vegetarian Diet

On a diabetic or low-fat diet and wish to savor delicious fondue recipes for New years eve?

Celebration times (including vacations/ parties/ festivities, etc) are the most difficult times when one has 2 or more health concerns like diabetes and high cholesterol or diabetes with high blood pressure. Adhering to a well planned diabetic or low-fat diet is one of the key principles towards overall cardiac health. When on a specific diet

On a diabetic or low-fat diet and wish to savor delicious fondue recipes for New years eve? Read More »

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