kidney dietitian

Kidney diet: a brief fact check by a Kidney Dietitian

As the name suggests, a kidney dietitian is a diet expert who is trained in dietary management of kidney disorders.  A kidney dietitian is also known as a Renal Dietitian where Renal refers to the kidneys. A kidney dietitian is trained at providing dietary guidance for kidney stones, gout, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, kidney transplant, […]

Kidney diet: a brief fact check by a Kidney Dietitian Read More »

Indian Renal Dietitian shares top 5 kidney friendly items from Walmart, America

I usually come across individuals who originally belong to India but have been living in different parts of United States of America like Calfornia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvaniya, Florida, etc and seeeking dietary guidance for chronic kidney disease. On the other hand, there are a couple of individuals who may be staying there on

Indian Renal Dietitian shares top 5 kidney friendly items from Walmart, America Read More »

how i managed to lower triglycerides

Dr Rachana Jasani shares tips to lower triglycerides by over 100 mg/dl in 3 months

Dr. Rachana Jasani, is a distinguished PhD holder and a Registered Dietitian with over 15 years of expertise in Clinical Nutrition especially Indian Renal Diet. Dr. Rachana Jasani’s expertise is in providing personalized diet plans customized according to your body needs, focusing on individual choices and preferences keeping in mind regional and cultural attibutes. How

Dr Rachana Jasani shares tips to lower triglycerides by over 100 mg/dl in 3 months Read More »

Is Monitoring Post-Dinner Blood Sugar Necessary If You Are on a Diabetic Diet?

When on a Diabetic Diet Should You Check Post-Dinner Blood Sugar? 

A  diabetic diet is one that is recommended for individuals with diabetes to manage their blood sugars. Regular monitoring of blood sugar is necessary for your doctor to decide the medical treatment as well as for your dietitian to make dietary modifications. But what people usually check is only fasting blood sugar and post lunch blood sugar

When on a Diabetic Diet Should You Check Post-Dinner Blood Sugar?  Read More »

Ep 1: Why and how I managed to lower soda bi cabonate intake of a patient on a renal diet?

Ep 1: Why and how I managed to lower soda bi cabonate intake of a patient on a renal diet?

How I managed? is a series of blogs dedicated to real life cases where I, Dr Rachana Jasani; will be penning down a few of my patients journeys and how I modified their diet which helped them avoid complications. Todays first episode of this series is dedictated to dietary restrictions for chronic kidney disease i.e.

Ep 1: Why and how I managed to lower soda bi cabonate intake of a patient on a renal diet? Read More »

Dietary Sources of Hidden Salt: A Must-Know for ones on a Renal Diet

Dietary Sources of Hidden Salt: A Must-Know for ones on a Renal Diet

Salt is an indispensable component of daily diet. When this mineral is restricted, especially in renal diet; it may seem uncomfortable and at times also intolerable. This is when a Renal Dietitian can help you fix this issue by suggesting healthy substitutes of salt. For patients with kidney issues, controlling salt intake is crucial for

Dietary Sources of Hidden Salt: A Must-Know for ones on a Renal Diet Read More »

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