
10 tips for elderly dialysis patients to keep themselves active

If you thought that dialysis patients should be confined to their beds, we urge you to think again. While young dialysis patients can travel, work, cook food, shop groceries, exercise, etc the elderly ones may not be able to do these but there are several other activities that can help them stay active Below are […]

10 tips for elderly dialysis patients to keep themselves active Read More »

Renal Dietitian shares 5 tips to lower potassium levels through diet modifications

Potassium is a mineral present in our blood. It works in coordination with sodium in your body. Sodium and potassium, also known as electrolytes hold a considerable importance when it comes to kidney disease. Kidneys are the ones responsible for maintaining electrolyte balance. Weak kidneys are unable to do this job efficiently and hence, sometimes

Renal Dietitian shares 5 tips to lower potassium levels through diet modifications Read More »

Renal Nutritionist explains which is the best salt: sea salt/ table salt/ himalayan salt/ kosher salt/ low sodium salt?

When you go to a super market or you order groceries online, you get multiple options for salt. At times, the choice gets tricky especially when someone in your family is suffering from ailments. Our expert Renal Nutritionist, Dr Rachana Jasani; has the following guidance if you are wondering the right type of salt to

Renal Nutritionist explains which is the best salt: sea salt/ table salt/ himalayan salt/ kosher salt/ low sodium salt? Read More »

Diabetic diet: 5 common myths busted by an expert dietitian

One of my neighbour’s dad was recently detected with HbA1c 9% and post lunch blood sugar 352 mg/dl. Being a foodie, the thought of giving up his favourite desserts and going on a strict diabetic diet haunted him so he thought of making some simple changes in his lifestyle. He started walking daily coupled with

Diabetic diet: 5 common myths busted by an expert dietitian Read More »

Alkaline Water for Kidney Health: Is it Really Beneficial?

In today’s exceedingly progressive era of social media, there is always one or other buzz relating to health and fitness. Whether it is the use of vegetables juice for detox or use of coriander juice/ barley water to cure kidney ailments or the use of alkaline water for kidney health! We come across several patients

Alkaline Water for Kidney Health: Is it Really Beneficial? Read More »

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