kidney dietitian

Kidney diet: a brief fact check by a Kidney Dietitian

As the name suggests, a kidney dietitian is a diet expert who is trained in dietary management of kidney disorders.  A kidney dietitian is also known as a Renal Dietitian where Renal refers to the kidneys. A kidney dietitian is trained at providing dietary guidance for kidney stones, gout, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, kidney transplant, […]

Kidney diet: a brief fact check by a Kidney Dietitian Read More »

5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Constipation in Chronic Kidney Disease

Constipation with chronic kidney disease: 5 yoga poses that can help

Constipation is a health condition that refers to incomplete bowel evacuation; in short, difficulty in passing stools. It is often associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Dietary factors that contribute to constipation are low-fiber diets, restricted fluid intake while other factors include reduced physical activity and medications that contribute to sluggish digestion. Renal diets are

Constipation with chronic kidney disease: 5 yoga poses that can help Read More »

Kidney Dietitian

Polycystic Kidney Disease: should patients drink more water or less water?

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetically accquired condition that causes cysts to grow within the kidneys. Over a period of time, multiple fluid-filled cysts can lead to enlargement of kidneys and possible derangement in overall kidney function. One of the most debated topics in PKD management is water intake—should patients drink more water or

Polycystic Kidney Disease: should patients drink more water or less water? Read More »

Obesity and chronic kidney disease:

Obesity and chronic kidney disease: should you opt for a high protein diet?

Obesity is a significant risk factor diabetes, hypertension and both of which are the leading causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Hence, it is important to lose weight. If you are aiming weight loss, increasing the protein intake is one of the hallmarks. High protein diet when combined with a low carbohydrate and low calorie

Obesity and chronic kidney disease: should you opt for a high protein diet? Read More »

Indian Renal Dietitian shares top 5 kidney friendly items from Walmart, America

I usually come across individuals who originally belong to India but have been living in different parts of United States of America like Calfornia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvaniya, Florida, etc and seeeking dietary guidance for chronic kidney disease. On the other hand, there are a couple of individuals who may be staying there on

Indian Renal Dietitian shares top 5 kidney friendly items from Walmart, America Read More »

how i managed to lower triglycerides

Dr Rachana Jasani shares tips to lower triglycerides by over 100 mg/dl in 3 months

Dr. Rachana Jasani, is a distinguished PhD holder and a Registered Dietitian with over 15 years of expertise in Clinical Nutrition especially Indian Renal Diet. Dr. Rachana Jasani’s expertise is in providing personalized diet plans customized according to your body needs, focusing on individual choices and preferences keeping in mind regional and cultural attibutes. How

Dr Rachana Jasani shares tips to lower triglycerides by over 100 mg/dl in 3 months Read More »

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