The below article highlights why and when do you need nutrition guidance, how can you benefit as well as what are the differences between a general diet and a diet for fatty liver/ liver cirrhosis.
With the increasing burden of overweight/ obesity in mankind, the long-term effects of it like fatty liver; has to be borne by delicate organs and liver is one of them
Alcohol too is one of the most prominent risk factors for fatty liver, overtime which can lead to liver cirrhosis, if left undiagnosed and untreated
It is vital to seek nutrition guidance right in the beginning of liver problems as it can be managed and reversed before it gets complicated
A Registered Dietitian can explain and plan a diet chart which includes:
Cessation of alcohol
Lowering of fats especially trans fats, saturated fats and replacing them with unsaturated fats
Lowering calories especially from sweets, fried foods, refined carbohydrates, etc
Addition of dietary fiber and good quality proteins
If you have any other comorbidities like type 2 diabetes or heart failure or atherosclerosis, etc along with liver ailments, your Nutritionist can guide you to manage those comorbidities and avoid complications
Get information about some DO’s and DON’T’s about liver diet by our expert Renal Nutritionist
Get access to our healthy liver recipes designed especially for liver patients