The below article highlights when do you need nutrition guidance, how can you benefit as well as what are the differences between a general diet and a kidney transplant diet.
Correct nutrition guidance can help in early healing of the surgical wound
It is important to seek dietary guidance to avoid unwanted restrictions and rather provide good nutrition to promote better outcome post-kidney transplant
Dietary guidance helps in alleviating the nutritional complications that may arise due to long term steroid intake
The difference is that a kidney transplant diet is usually:
High on fluids
High on proteins, immediately post-transplant period
High on dietary fiber
Kidney transplant diets are individualized and require a careful quantification of the above nutrients to keep kidney health in check
This can be done by a Qualified Renal Nutritionist
Get information about someuseful tips and DO’s and DON’T’s about kidney transplant diet by our expert Renal Nutritionist
Get access to our healthy kidney transplant diet recipes designed especially for transplant patients.