
What is GFR?

  • The full form of GFR is ‘Glomerular Filtration Rate’
  • It is a test used to measure the function of your kidneys, if the GFR decreases over a period of time; it may indicate CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease)
  • It is a lengthy test usually hence, an estimation is employed from some easily available values like serum creatinine, age, etc
  • Hence, the value obtained is called as eGFR (estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate)
  • The adjoining calculator will help you calculate your eGFR based on your age, serum creatinine value and gender
  • Categories of kidney disease based on eGFR:
    • GFR > 90 ml/min is considered normal
    • GFR: 60-89 ml/min is considered slightly decreased and hence is considered stage is 2 CKD
    • GFR: 45-59 ml/min is mild to moderately low and hence is considered stage 3A CKD
    • GFR: 30-44 ml/min is moderately to severely low and hence is considered stage 3B CKD
    • GFR: 15-29 ml/min is severely decreased and hence is considered stage 4 CKD
    • GFR < 15 ml/min is kidney failure and hence is considered stage 5 CKD

What Your Diabetes Risk Mean?

  • Approximately 537 million people across the globe have diabetes (elevated blood sugar)
  • Experts predict this number could rise to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045
  • Check whether you are at risk of developing diabetes with help of the adjoining diabetes risk calculator
  • This calculator helps you to predict your risk of developing diabetes over a period of 7.5 years
  • This Diabetes Risk Calculator is based on the article Identification of Persons at High Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Do We Need the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test? published in 2002 in the medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine by Dr. Stern and his colleagues at the University of Texas